Natural skincare from the ocean

If you’ve read my posts before or seen my stories on Instagram, you’ll know I’m an advocate for natural beauty products. is my motto.

Trying to improve our skin by applying loads of chemicals doesn’t seem to make sense to me and as much as the fancy bottles, grand claims and luxury branding lures us in, using something that I can actually understand the ingredients list of and something that contains pure and proven ingredients is what I feel comfortable putting on my skin.

The powers of seaweed are vast, it stimulates deep skin layer regeneration by improving cellular function and is full of iodine, minerals and antioxidants. I had seen the beautiful looking products from The Cornish Seaweed Bath Company popping up in shops and on my Instagram feed and I was desperate to try them. So I was over the moon when The Cornish Seaweed Bath Company sent me a selection of their products to hear my thoughts (the universe was clearly listening!). Over the last few months I’ve been using them regularly so that I could really see how effective they were on my skin and give an honest review.

I received and have been using:

An organic super nutrient facial oil
Wild Seaweed organic body scrub
Pure Seaweed Bath
Skin repair balm
Organic lip balms
Seaweed soap
Salty Sea Dog Shampoo Bar

I can honestly say that each time I use the products they feel so pure and fresh that I instantly feel good! I love every single one of the products but particularly love the Organic Body Scrub, which is a combination of seaweed infused with Jojoba Oil and Pink Himalayan Salt. Having made my own seaweed scrub before, I appreciate the process and benefits even more. Used in the shower it eliminates blocked pores and dead skin and washes away impurities. It’s great for all over your body, I’ve even used it on my face too (I’m not sure whether I’m meant to do that so don’t quote me!). Talking of faces, the facial oil is a firm favourite of mine also, The Cornish Seaweed Bath Company advise putting it on before bad and letting the seaweed and oils do their restorative work whilst your body rests. It makes your skin feel so supple and aids any dryness. It proved especially lovely in the cold winter months when skin can get a bit more dry than usual and is exposed to harsh conditions.

I was so pleased to share my experience with the pooch and try The Salty Sea Dog Shampoo Bar too. It keeps Albert smelling fresh after he, far too frequently, rolls in fox poop (yuk!) and I can be safe in the knowledge the ingredients won’t harm or irritate his skin. As I’m sure you can imagine, it’s had a fair few uses, as he particularly enjoys finding stinky stuff to roll in, but there’s still plenty left which is amazing. If you have a dog that rolls, this bar is a must!

When it comes to putting products on our skin, I think it’s worth spending the time learning about where our chosen products come from and being confident about what’s in them. These products are so gentle and effective I’d highly recommend them for all skin types and for those who truly care about their skin and want to harness the power of natures miracles. Chemical free loveliness 🙂

You can find The Cornish Seaweed Bath Co here and order online

These products were kindly sent to me as a gift from The Cornish Seaweed Bath Company but I was not asked to post and all opinions and images are my own 🙂


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