My furry four legged baby, Albert, and I (yes, I am one of those crazy animal lovers!) were extremely excited to receive a package addressed to him in the post…

Albert had the pleasure of taste testing Eat Play Bark’s homemade vegan dog biscuits and I can safely say they did not disappoint. Although Albert is not the fussiest of dogs and enjoys eating anything but his own boring biscuits, he doesn’t always take treats or eat them straight away. On this occasion, he was jumping up for more and even cleaned up the crumbs (something he very rarely does unless it’s human food, particularly meat!). Along with using the biscuits as treats, we also crumbled half a biscuit over his food to encourage him to eat his dinners … and he did, all of it, every time! I know they say that you should just leave dogs to their own devices and they’ll eat their food when they’re hungry enough but Albert doesn’t seem to, he just leaves it and leaves it then gets too skinny. We’ve tried lots of different food for him but he just seems to get bored. This was a great way to make his food more interesting in a healthy way, not adding any human food or dog treats with nasty added extras in them. He already has plenty of energy being only 18 months old! You’ll have to excuse the out of focus pictures of him handing over his paw for another biscuit, he’s a hard one to catch sitting still!

Eat Play Bark is the creation of Cathy, based in Looe (each biscuit we tried even had Looe stamped into them, I loved this touch!). Cathy has been baking homemade goodies for her own pooches for a long time now but has decided to launch Eat Play Bark so that other dogs can enjoy them too. Cathy will be selling her creations via her website and is planning to attend markets across Cornwall. She has also had great interest from shops and dog friendly holiday homes in her local area too so you may well see them around soon!

As you know if you’ve read my previous blog posts, I especially love businesses and products with an environmentally friendly element to them. What Cathy is already doing is excellent and it’s so great to see a new business with the environment in mind from the beginning. Eat Play Bark will use recyclable packaging and plan to offer a discount at local markets for choosing a packaging free option such as bringing your own container or reusing your last one!

Cathy, when are you going to make human food – I’m jealous!

You can find Cathy via the website, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter




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